Everywhere water is a thing of beauty, gleaming in the dewdrop; singing in the summer rain; ---John B Gough
Beauty has a deep connection with creativity. Creativity, at least human creativity, seems to be one aspect of a well-lived life. A beautiful life might be described in terms of creativity. Purpose is a by product of creativity. Yes, my purpose is fulfilled in finding/creating beauty all around me.
Comparisons are moot. Independent thinking and living are an endless power-house of inspiration. Self-knowledge, the kind that works for me, is really not so hard. Reality---what actually is---this is enough. The struggle is acceptance and opening. The journey is not so hard. Harder is resisting what is.
Until I "chanced" upon Inniswood Metro Gardens on the north-east side of Columbus, Ohio, I did not know a thing about Gough. Above are sixteen words from "A Glass of Cold Water". I am surprised at what lasts to impact others.
The words and the setting all merge together in my mind. It's only the beginning of the growing season, and with Covid-19 the park is way behind. This spot is in the "Secret Garden". The pool beneath the inscription is currently empty. The flower beds are not what I'd imagine them to be at this time on any other regular year. But the beauty is still distilled in the space, just as it is. The metaphor of what might be discovered on future visits to this site are intriguing.
I think of this engraving, the creativity of one John B Gough. Why? To ponder? At first, I was inspired by a nice photo for this blog. The thinking is continuing. "Gleaming" and "singing" water really capture my imagination.
Thought is so much like flowing water. Cloudbursts, raging floods, and oceans (both peaceful and tempested) might be relevant images at times. There is the dew on the grass in the morning. The water as fog, or a gentle rain. There is steam, sleet, and snow.
At this moment, "dewdrop" distills some of my personal calm. Somewhere in the middle of a raging tempest of life-changes all is calm in some interior part of consciousness. Human living has always involved some of both worlds. Maturity might glimmer in the ability to experience both calm and raging insecurities all at once. Both are realities to be lived.
The drawing of "water" from this short passage may last a life-time. Gough, whatever your motivation, thank you for taking time to write your thoughts down.
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