I'm an avid reader, and trying to develop myself into a well-rounded human being. I like suggestions of good books. Here is a list of books that I think are worth mentioning.
Ricard, Matthieu. Altruism: The Power of Compassion to Change Yourself and the World. United States, Little, Brown, 2015. Perhaps views that may only resonate with me. It's the most level-headed approach to a world I want to imagine. As an ideal, my bet is on altruism. Try not to let the "ism" through you off.
Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain Daniel J. Siegel MD
Internal Family Systems Models by Richard C Schwartz
How To Control Your Anxiety Before It Controls You by Dr. Albert Ellis: 104 Rational
Maxims to Control My anxious Thinking. Copied from (pages 190-205)
Good News Clubs by Katherine Stewart
The Mind and the Brain by Schwartz, Jeffrey M. and Begley, Sharon (Aug 4, 2009)
The Mind of the Bible-Believer Paperback by Edmund D. Cohen
Leaving the Fold by Marlene Winell Among one of the most influential books that has tremendous impact on my life and thinking. I told Marlene in person: "I searched for ten years, for your book" I still can't figure out why I did not find it sooner. Glad I did. BTW Journeyfree.org is a must for anyone reviewing their journey out of religious dogma.
Leaving the Fold: Testimonies of Former Fundamentalists by Edward T. Babinski
The Christian Delusion: Why Faith Fails by John W. Loftus and Dan Barker
Post-romantic Stress Disorder. BRADSHAW, J. (2014). Post-romantic stress disorder: what to do when the honeymoon is over : new discoveries about lust, love, and saving your marriage before it's too late. My personal notes
Yuknavitch, Lidia. The chronology of water: A memoir. Hawthorne Books, 2013. "Here is another "Water" thought book. I love the idea of water trickling. Yuknavitch does wonder with thoughts, emotions, feelings, and conveying these through words! She is amazing. Inspiring TED talk found here
Loving Someone Gay by Don Clark
Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain Daniel J. Siegel MD
Internal Family Systems Models by Richard C Schwartz
How To Control Your Anxiety Before It Controls You by Dr. Albert Ellis: 104 Rational
Maxims to Control My anxious Thinking. Copied from (pages 190-205)
Good News Clubs by Katherine Stewart
The Mind and the Brain by Schwartz, Jeffrey M. and Begley, Sharon (Aug 4, 2009)
The Mind of the Bible-Believer Paperback by Edmund D. Cohen
Leaving the Fold by Marlene Winell Among one of the most influential books that has tremendous impact on my life and thinking. I told Marlene in person: "I searched for ten years, for your book" I still can't figure out why I did not find it sooner. Glad I did. BTW Journeyfree.org is a must for anyone reviewing their journey out of religious dogma.
Leaving the Fold: Testimonies of Former Fundamentalists by Edward T. Babinski
The Christian Delusion: Why Faith Fails by John W. Loftus and Dan Barker
Post-romantic Stress Disorder. BRADSHAW, J. (2014). Post-romantic stress disorder: what to do when the honeymoon is over : new discoveries about lust, love, and saving your marriage before it's too late. My personal notes
Yuknavitch, Lidia. The chronology of water: A memoir. Hawthorne Books, 2013. "Here is another "Water" thought book. I love the idea of water trickling. Yuknavitch does wonder with thoughts, emotions, feelings, and conveying these through words! She is amazing. Inspiring TED talk found here
Loving Someone Gay by Don Clark
"The Jesus the Jews Never Knew" by Frank Zindler In time, I found Frank, and his books. See his five volume series: "Through Atheist Eyes" Frank is the most insightful and formidable mythicist of the 21 century. His little-known, and under appreciated work will live on well after he has passed on from us. I'm super lucky to have known him while he lived.
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