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Showing posts from May, 2020

Water a Thing of Beauty

Everywhere water is a thing of beauty, gleaming in the dewdrop; singing in the summer rain; ---John B Gough Soper, Henry Marlin. Scrap-book Recitation Series: A Miscellaneous Collection of Prose and Poetry for Recitation and Reading, Designed for Schools, Home and Literary Circles. no. 1-4. United States, T.S. Denison, 1880. Page 120  "A Glass of Cold Water" Beauty has a deep connection with creativity.  Creativity, at least human creativity, seems to be one aspect of a well-lived life.   A beautiful life might be described in terms of creativity.  Purpose is a by product of creativity.  Yes, my purpose is fulfilled in finding/creating beauty all around me. Comparisons are moot.  Independent thinking and living are an endless power-house of inspiration.  Self-knowledge, the kind that works for me, is really not so hard.  Reality---what actually is---this is enough.  The struggle is acceptance and opening.  The journey is not so hard...

Gills / Lungs an Evolution of Lee

It’s like I’m filled with oceans of experiences. There were spiritual tidal pools that I flopped around in my early days of evolution. One tide would push me into another. Sometimes when the pool dried up, I almost died. I accidentally flopped into new ones, and then somehow a riptide in one pulled me into a vast ocean of nothingness. Is there land? Is there sea? Is there me? From today’s vantage point. Those tidal pools were vast oceans. I explored these realms and ways of being-- thinking--hoping that I’d hit on a safe isle somewhere that would be marked “reality”. God would be gloriously real to me. I’d have no doubts. I explored enough to know that for me, I suppose I was getting used to doubt. The journey of exploration was to get some clarity on what it means to not know. I still think it's a cruel joke to lead innocents on a life-time journey of doubt avoidance. I decided at some point to go ahead and experience the devastating vastness of nothingness and my a...