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Deepak Chopra, from Lesson 16 in The Way of the Wizard, 1995 (Harmony Books, New York) pgs. 109-113

“The straight lines of time are actually threads of a web extending to infinity”

“‘Write the word nowhere,’ Merlin told Arthur, ‘then rewrite it as now here.’  
You have in a nutshell the truth about space and time….the relationship between nowhere and now here is the relationship between infinity and this moment that you are now living.”

inspired by the above I wrote . . .

‘Weave the threads of time from the future,’ breathes the wizened one.
What of past?
Past memories woven in the present mean a living past.
What of future?
Future if existing now, may be grasped
As the threads of time so far out of reach.
Event horizon, point of no return, but grasp,
Grasp a different thread and you weave a different story.

Now here! but elusively nowhere!
Damned illusions of time looking back to past.
Blessed opportunity if existing and existent in -- now here.

Wee spider, spinning your threads.
How different really am I from you?
Our mission to spin, to weave, is the same...
Spinning and weaving we must.
Our webs . . . what of their magnificent beauty? Intricacy? Strength?
Captivating. deadly.
All too soon, the death-trap is sprung . . .
We've woven our own limitations.

We crouch . . . . careful to maintain a few loose threads
to navigate our treachery
Swoosh, the gale wipes us out.
Back to spinning . . . but spinning what?
Our own yarns . . . spinning our own futures?

Wee tiny spider, do you live life facing
backward or forward?
Tiny spectacle, but for some perspective . . .
Do you spin your future or your past?

Now here!  Now nowhere!

Other inspirational thoughts from this chapter:
“In truth, every point in the cosmos is the same point, a focus for infinity in all directions.  There is no here or there, no near or far.  As the wizard sees it, there is only everywhere and nowhere….as the turmoil of your soul settles, you will see the heavens in your own being.”

“In a wizards’ eyes most people look like railroad trains with blazing lamps in the front running down a track.  All they see is what lies in the view of their headlights, with no regard for the infinite expanse of possibilities on either side.”

“‘I call it the web of time,’Merlin explained, ‘because I see myself as a spider sitting at the center of all events, which stream out from me like gossamer threads.”


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