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Showing posts from 2014

Honest Atheism

" Honest Atheism " First appeared in Free Inquiry, vol 35 issue 1 By permission of author: D. Cameron Webb this is the unedited version of the FI article: As atheists, we hear it all the time: how miserable our lives must be, how utterly devoid of meaning and purpose. Without the promise of eternal life, without knowing that our lives are intrinsically important to the machinations of a creator god, we must agonize daily, endlessly, under the weight of crushing despair and pointless suffering. This widespread notion was recently brought into sharp focus in a piece written for  The Week  magazine by Damon Linker. Asking “Where are the Honest Atheists?” under the guise of reviewing A. C. Grayling's book  The God Argument , Mr. Linker articulated what millions of Americans simply take as brute fact: The style of atheism rehearsed in these books has reached a dead end. It’s one thing to catalogue the manifest faults within this or that religious tradition, which...

"Silence, listening to silence"

by Lee Denzler I listen to the silence.    Majesty of quietness    Silence listening to silence    Beingness...the last leaf has fallen. Eternal SILENCE Existence.  This is something that just is.  No explanation, reason is needed.   Its foundations are sure in and of itself.  Self-contained.   Independent of support, it's a self-supporting structure.   Nothing gives permission for the being of existence.   Of it's own it has chosen to be self-defining, self-creating, self-supporting, self-actuating. Existence has no moral motive.     Moral motive would be an introduction of something from without, which on the face of all that humans may understand, is something simply not necessary.      Existence's very essence is it's manifestation of unity. Tammy Ames So I am.   ...


Deepak Chopra, from Lesson 16 in The Way of the Wizard, 1995 (Harmony Books, New York) pgs. 109-113 “The straight lines of time are actually threads of a web extending to infinity” “‘Write the word nowhere,’ Merlin told Arthur, ‘then rewrite it as now here.’   You have in a nutshell the truth about space and time….the relationship between nowhere and now here is the relationship between infinity and this moment that you are now living.” inspired by the above I wrote . . . ‘Weave the threads of time from the future,’ breathes the wizened one. What of past? Past memories woven in the present mean a living past. What of future? Future if existing now, may be grasped As the threads of time so far out of reach. Event horizon, point of no return, but grasp, Grasp a different thread and you weave a different story. Now here! but elusively nowhere! Damned illusions of time looking back to past. Blessed opportunity if existing and existent in --...

To Know Myself

Yesterday, I did  a long run.  Wanted to push my own definition of what my body is capable.  So I ran from my town to the next.   My goal was a relative's house.  I made it.  26.8km. 2 hours 50 minutes.  My time was not bad either.  Day after I'm sore, but functional.

Hate mail from God: John 3:16

So what is John 3:16 to you?  Good News or Bad News.  I would have said good just a few years ago.  Today I see this passage very differently. If Hitler were to have written something on this order: for Germany has so loved the whole world that it gave one of it sons {Hitler} to establish the Aryan race once and for all as the primary race, that whoever is of the Ayran race will enjoy the benefits of the best in life and whoever is not a part well . . . we got concentration camps for you....would this then be good news or bad news? It should not be news at all.  The only slight difficulty is we cannot wash our minds of the images of emasculated stacked bodies, or curling smoke from incinerators, or heaps of ashes!  In that milieu, in that time period, in Germany at that time, there were the awful consequences of xenophobia.  The out-group was destroyed.  Literally! There is a similar horrible reality in the much less lovely words of: "that whosoe...