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29-32 of 104 Rational Maxims

Dr. Albert Ellis: 104 Rational Maxims to Control My anxiousThinking.  Copied from How To Control Your Anxiety Before It Controls You (pages 190-205)

REBT insights that will significantly help me

1.       Adversities frequently exist in my life and in the world, and I frequently have little control over them.  Usually , however, when I become seriously disturbed about them, I choose to upset myself by my attitudes about them.
2.       The past Adversities of my life may well have strongly contributed to my disturbances.  But so did I!  When I am now, years later, very upset about them, I am still making my powerful dysfunctional conclusions about the past.  Still!
3.       I can virtually always change my disturbing Irrational Beliefs about the past and the present--not merely by gaining insight into them but by considerable work and practice to think, feel, and act against them.  Yes, considerable work and practice!
4.       Recognizing what people and events did to help disturb me is healthy if I also recognize what I believed about their contributions to my disturbance.  That is what I'd better largely see and work to change.


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1-28 of 104 Rational Maxims to Control Anxious Thinking

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