Take care. Just how much is contained in those two words. I'm not sure I do too well at keeping up with this parting statement. I take care of others more easily that I take care of taking care of myself. Yes, I can do this for myself as well, but I think that it takes way more effort to identify my own needs than it takes for me to see the needs of others. The other has already figured out for me, so all I have to do is answer to their need. It's so simple. More complex is to look at myself and judge whether or not I want to help. I often feel compelled to help. It's much later that I realize that I often end up "helping" others to avoid what's going on with me. It's terribly uncomfortable for me to see someone "in need". It's very easy to jump in and try to share some wisdom or know-how or share some resource that I think up so creatively to assuage the other's discomfort. It really is very unhin...
A place where thought seeps out . . . sometimes out of the most unexpected places