Just this morning I finished my first reading of "Fear and Trembling". It took me some time to get through. I read it in conjunction to some thoughts that a more modern author published about Kierkegaard. Earnest Becker makes quite a lot of Kierkegaard in his "The Denial of Death". I'm not sure what this says of Kierkegaard or of Becker or me for reading. I stumbled on Becker via Irvin Yalum's "Staring at the Sun". I see life much as Yalum portrays, at least what I can understand of reading his writings. I am not sorry I took the time to read this work. Not sure what I think exactly of "Fear and Trembling". I used to be a Christian. Revisiting my "old love" has it's own life. I still abhor child-sacrifice, something I never saw as prevalent in the Bible when I was a believer. It's in there though, more frequently than I would have ever admitted along with many other immoralities. So Kierkegaard...
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