I wrote the following in response to some reading at www.leavingfundamentalism.wordpress.com I’m always impressed every time I come to this site and do a little reading. I think Jonny that you do very important work. Edmund Cohen at the end of his “TheMind of the Bible-Believer” (1986) in the postscript to the paper back edition makes an observation with which I concur fully: “One mental-health matter that does seem ripe for further comment now is the rather long period of readjustment often needed by those who ‘come out’. . . . The former believers I know best have reported that they sought new intellectual stimulation to counteract the biblical pseudophilosphy in which their minds had been immersed, that it took a lot of quiet time for the devotional bad habits ingrained in them to be extinguished, and that intellectual and emotional self-reliance was the next major life issue they needed to address. It may be that only people with the potential to become strongly independ...
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