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Showing posts from January, 2014

My gratitude for the "Wide Road"

I'm on my own journey.  When I put it this way it feels extremely lonely.  I think this is only a perception.  Down underneath, I've known for a very long time that what I've been fleeing and why. Being and Nothiness by Satre formulates a language for me of the inner workings of my consciousness.  It's still so far over my head:  A part of a part.  The Look.  Read it for yourself.  Basically one's ability to look on self, as one looks at another person.  Bad Faith: heck yea.  Lived nearly 34 years this way.  Thankfully over the last nine, slowly very slowly I've had the courage to look at who I am piece by piece.  I probably will still be unpacking some things for a very long time to come. On "my journey" has much positive aspects to it.  I cannot imagine my life being lived much differently than in total honesty.  I think this is an unusual but important observation.  My commitment to what is true has always ...

Struggling inside--the ABORTION of REASON

I noted this morning that I had this huge conversation going on in my head.  My father is ignoring me at the moment.  Since I truly still love this person, it hurts.  Much of this is my of my own doing, but as I go over and over the events of a life time of interactions with this man, this is how he has always handled difficult situations.  Most recently I confronted head on some old family issues and my take on some inter-personal conflicts that have had a long history of going unresolved, all in the name of "standing for truth". My wife wants to know why I want to change my Dad so bad.

Life Characters

Looking back over the last year, these three characters have emerged in my journey.  Each represents a part of me.  In early 2013 I'd been working through Integrated Family Systems with my counselor.  Therapy is different for all people.  For me applying things like this model seem to help me process and gain remarkable ground toward wholness.  This model integrates nicely with the Parent, Adult, Child model, that a lot of therapist use as a foundation for the analogies of therapy. The following characters I'll develop a bit more.  Some are just names for the wise, adult part of our consciousness.  That part of our beingness that may have been repressed by others, but it was always there and made wonderful decisions when counseled. My life will always be a journey of integration.  These parts are not multiple personalities, they are parts of the whole me.  They rise from time to time.  Some may still be discovered.  Each play sp...

Candid thoughts

One thing led to another for me.  I'm getting over a flu bug so had time on my hands. Tyler's article posted at  got the wheels of my mind churning: Why not tackle some problems?   Hey Tyler. I'm new to so much. I went K-12 in ACE. I admire your thoughtfulness and open-mindedness. I'm really impressed with your story on ACE on the leaving fundamentalism blog.  I hope you follow your dreams.  Your in a good position to make a remarkable impact on the modern world. I'm 37 and just discovering the truths about evolution. I'm really into Karen Armstrong, Dawkins, Dennet, Hitchins, Harris, Richard Orstiene "Evolution of Consciousness" (this was the very first strongly evolutionary book I made myself read; that was just 4 years ago). I'm fascinated with Julian Jaynes ideas on the breakdown of the bicameral mind. Joseph Campbell's "Myths to live ...